FOCUS--Darrol's 3 Cs

Jun 30, 2018

Hey are you doing...hope all is well

Wow, the end of another month, and wanted to get a second post in for June.

But, before I do that, I will take this opportunity to say something I love sharing, life is short, life is precious.  Yes, life is short--think about it... There are only 120 months in a decade. And so, in 120 months,  I--you--will be 10 years older. Then, think about just how fast a month goes by!  June 2018 is already gone--seems like it, summer, just started.  Anyway, don't waste life--precious days and moments.  We are not getting any younger.

Will now be focusing on my main product--Darrol's 3 Cs. This is the 6 part audio program with a workbook. It is what teaches people to communicate better and really enjoy and experience people, friends, and family. Not talking about social media "freinds" but real and authentic friends. Friends, you can spend time with, can count on, can talk to them about most anything. Be with them--face to face. Not only their words on a screen. Still, have 3 ebooks and a membership for $29 a month. Will be working to get the audio course into many people hands.  If have not got one yet--get it. It is a great value given all the benefits that come with what it teaches.

take care,

Be well


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