Happy New Year

Jan 01, 2017

Well, 2016 is done--over--nada--vamoose---gone.  I hope you had a good year and more importantly excited and optimistic about the year ahead.  It's going to be a great year.  I see several of the things I have been working towards becoming reality in the year ahead.  And more importantly with regards to this blog--more of enjoying good communication and relationships.   This will of course,  include spending time with friends and so happy I found the six I wanted to have before the end of 2016,  However, if I didn't already--I have to admit, one of the six is a very cool cat called Tom--of course.  Tom the cat, that lives on a horse farm and enjoys catching meese. 

Also, I am ready as we must be with friends to accept that some may go while new ones created and enjoyed.  I like all six of my friends but time will show how much our friendships grow and very important to me--how often we get together and spend time in each others presence--face to face.

take care and let's have a geat year

Remember life is short--life is precious---carp diem


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