Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas
Dec 24, 2016Hope you all will enjoy the holidays. We are geting a lot of snow here in Washington--in the mountains anyway. At 8 am I plan on heading into Mt Rainier National Park and spending Christmas Eve at Longmire Inn in the park. I have never stayed there and look forward to it--and hiking today and tomorrow also. Then on Monday, my friend / hiking partner Michelle are going snowshoeing--that'll be fun.
Yes, I am a little sad that I will be spending Chrismas Eve alone and that all my family is over 2000 miles away. It is a little lonely during the holidays when you don't have a partner--at least it is for me. However, I could be really sad or depressed of which I am not, I just heard a speaker share that 800,000 people every year commt suicide. That is hard to fathom. 800,000 people each year come to such a place of sadness and depression that they decide life is not worth living any longer and they take their lives to end their pain. I was there a few years ago within a couple of years of retiring. I am so grateful I came out of that place. I mean to think--if I would have taken my life! I would have missed so much! I am enjoying life so much now and it is only going to get better.
However, the main thing I want to be sure to wirtie here is that this speaker said the main reason behind people takeing their life is ISOLATION!!!!!! And so, that is just more motivation for me to work hard spreading my message and helping peoplr learn the 3Cs and begin expeeincing and enjoying people, friends and family more. Please help me get this message---this help out there. So many could beneift from what I have which would increase their happiness and most importantly less isolation. Like I asked in my three free videios, please share this blog with 3 people. Encourage them to go to this website and leave their info at the bottom of the home page so they can watch the free videos--this will help them start the process.
take care,
enjoy the holidays and people
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