My Framework for enabling people to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere and really enjoy and experience people, friends and family.
Jun 12, 2017
How are you doing...hope all is well
I developed a framework to help me focus on what I needed to do to enjoy people and friends. Also, it helps teach others what to focus on to do the same. The Praxis at the top, then FtF, then the 3Cs at the bottom.F t F—-this 2nd row….
F t F—-the 2nd row….
—this is where a lot of the pleasure comes from—and the benefits—getting together with people and friends. You will miss out on a lot of good stuff if you are developing and maintaining your relationships and friendships mainly through technology. To have the most enjoyment and greatest experience of people, also, many of the benefits, we have to be in their presence.
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