My Story

Aug 16, 2016


I would like to share a little of my story so you will have some understanding as to why I am wanting to teach about communication and friendship.

I had been living in the Pacific Northwest, for a little over a year and just 45 minutes from Mt Rainier National Park and about an hour south of Seattle Washington.  I had moved from Michigan where I had lived my whole life.  I left all my friends and family there.  My plan was to keep the relationships I left back in Michigan and make new friends in Washington.

I was enjoying my new life and experience of living in the Pacific Northwest with it's mountains and cities--eating well, getting good exercise while hiking in the mountains several hours a couple times each week.  I also walked around the cities of Tacoma and Washington often.

 I really liked all three places and especially enjoyed hiking around Mt Rainier—that is a beautiful and AWE—some mountain.  I had joined a Tacoma Mountaineer group to take classes and go on a few hikes with.  These, I had hoped would make sure I stayed safe and didn’t get lost out there—I hate getting lost, especially in the mountains.  In addition, I was hoping to meet new potential friends.  Also, I went on several “meet-ups” hoping to, you know— MEET people.  In addition to these activities,  I spent many hours walking around Seattle and Tacoma enjoying people watching,  along with just being out in the world around other human beings.  I was talking with others each day,  but mostly to those that worked in the stores and cafes.

 I was enjoying my new life, however, I seemed to feel more and more lonely and that something was missing.  In addition to that, I was missing my family that I had left back in Michigan which included children,  grandchildren,  brothers and sisters.  And, I really missed my four friends in Michigan whom I had known many years.  Talking with them on the phone was nice but nothing like being in their PRESENCE, and feeling it, and  laughing with them,  and exchanging hugs. 

( to be continued )

take care,




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