My Story--the end
Sep 04, 2016
I became excited about this and was confident by using what I had been learning and already had learned in college, along with my experiences and frustrations, I could find and create and enjoy the friendships I really wanted. I was even more excited when I realized that many are missing pleasure and benefits from healthy relationships and friendships in their lives and that I was going to figure out ways to change this and teach and help others to get to where I was going.
I developed the 3Cs. The 3Cs stand for—connect, conversation and commune. I realized that if I could learn these communication skills they would greatly help me enjoy people and make new friends. To commune simply means to talk together intimately. It also is defined as the sharing of thoughts and feelings. Well, 2016 is about half over and I am on target with my 6 good friends—have 2 and 3 potentials. I created a framework that would remind me what I needed to focus on to reach my goal, and also help teach others how to do what I did. I am really having fun in the Pacific Northwest now, getting face to face with others, connecting and enjoying conversations. As an encouragement to you, no matter where you are on the spectrum of introvert to extrovert I can help you move up that scale if you want. Actually, what I enjoy now—after being extremely shy, is to be able to pick the place on the introvert / extrovert spectrum I want to be depending on the situation and how I’m feeling—-that is fun to be able to do.
Next week I will share about the benifits of good communication and relations and freindships.
take care,
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