New Book---Alone Together

Jan 13, 2018


How are you doing....hope all is well

I started reading a very interesting book, "Alone Together" by Sherry Turkle.

All I can say is WOW--WOW--WOW.  Actually, I can say more than that---haha.  You know me, I can yak it up.  And listen, but I think I yak more than I listen.  I hope to turn that around.  I read somewhere and decided to believe that "listening is the greatest gift we can give someone".  Doesn't it feel good when someone really listens to you?  And afterward,  you think and feel they understand you.

Regarding the book--I am half way through it.  The author is talking about how technology is not only changing our lives but also us!  The first half of the book is about the "robotic moment".  This is regarding how technology and marketers and scientists and big business and new gadgets--including robots are influencing us to be ready to accept robots into our lives.  We are being shaped to see robots as not only a convenience but also a substitute for people.  That is fucked up.  Yeah, I would rather sit with George--the robot that smiles and "listens" rather than get together with Joe.  Joe not only can listen,  but has genuine empathy and can share his own real stories.  The book is worth reading. 

take care,

Be well


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