Objective--talk with a stranger every time leave home

Sep 30, 2018

Hey, Hi...how are you doing...hope all is well...

Well, September is ending and tomorrow is the first day of October. October is my favorite month of the year...and the month I was born in. Rock on Scorpios... And, fall is my favorite season of the year. I learned, in the last few years living in Michigan that Michigan's upper peninsula is the 4th most traveled to place in the country to see the fall colors. And it was beautiful. I loved fall in Michigan. I miss it, and the Great Lakes. 

Anyway, pushing myself to talk to strangers often and meet new people. There, are three things doing to accomplish this. I would encourage you to do these, or one or two also...if wanting to improve your communication skills or meet potential friends, etc.

The three things are...

#1 whenever leave home, focus on starting a conversation with someone new

#2 three days a week--usually Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I focus on starting a conversation with two people I don't know

#3 go to 4 to 8 social or business gatherings a month 

This is really a lot of fun and adding to my friends and business contacts often. Try it, it's fun. And you will get to where it is not only easy to talk with new people, but also it will feel good and be fun!

take care,

Be well


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