Ok ! let's change the world --And / Or make a positive difference in many people's lives

Jun 10, 2018

Hey hi...how are you doing...hope all is well

wow--yahoo--there is a LOT on interest in what my business is all about and my objectives and goals---to get people back to enjoying and experiencing people, friends and family face to face.  And of course, the biggest push and influence to making this happen is the realization that all these screens --including how they are hurting --messing with--our experience and enjoyment with our communications and relationships and friends.  Furthermore, they are hurting our abilities to communicate face to face--we are losing those skills.

And so, one thing I have decided to do is focus my marketing efforts on selling my main product--the audio course.  This is what can bring great positive change into a person's life.  Therefore, get it for yourself.  I actually am currently offering a 60-day guarantee and three months free of my membership program.  And, talk to three people about it--encouraging them to get it or check it out--thanks.

take care,

Be well


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