On Way to World's Greatest Speaker Training
Nov 14, 2016Hello
Well, leaving in two days to Santa Clara California to another Brendon Burchards seminar--World's Greatest Speaker Training. I will be dirivng again and am looking forward to driving back along the coast of California via Hwy 1---an amazing beautiful veiw and expereince.
I will use what I learn there to help me get my message out into the world regarding the need to connect with others and deeply, and often. And, we need to enjoy conversations and relationships--including great friendships. I am not including "Facebook friends" nor relationhsips that we primarily engage with through technology. We need more face to face relating--being in and enjoyiing the precense of people in our life more than many of us have presently. Many lack connection with others while isolating themselves. We spend to much time alone--or only with our immediate families.
I have a wonderful vision and am looking forward to communicate that better after this seminar.
take care,
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