Suicide--today a lot of people come to this place

Jan 06, 2018


How are you...hope all is well

The number of people who come to think that the answer is to end their life is amazing.  It is a very sad thing, especially when if they had just lived a little longer they likely would have come out or their depression.  I can share this from experience.  Several years ago I became very depressed and was seriously contemplating--and planning--ending my life.  Thank God, I had a close friend who I could be open with and share my thoughts and feelings.  Today, I am so excited about life and have had several years of which I am very grateful for since that dark time.

 I am not thinking that the reason people get to a place of deep depression and / or a decision to take their life is because of a lack of friends.  However, I do believe if many of these people had someone they could really open up with --face to face--and share thier feelings they would --many--decide against ending their life.

I am going to donate 10% of any monies spent on my products to a charity. I plan on putting this on my website soon.

take care,

Be well


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