The Benefits--and the Pleasure

Sep 11, 2016


How are you doing......hope all is well    

You, most likely are enjoying people and friendships in your life now—however, I bet your enjoying less of them.  There are several reasons this is the experience of many in America today

      I can teach you what I have learned and the 3Cs.  I don’t care if your shy—introverted,  extroverted or somewhere in between.  I can help you enjoy conversations and people more while improving  relationships and making new friends

     The most valuable benefit from good communication and satisfying relations with others— positive impact on our happiness—who wouldn’t want a little more of that.  Several studies have shown that friendships are the most powerful and consistent contributor to our happiness—and they can do this every day.  And so, with what I will teach you,  you can have more connection and friendships and these will bring more happiness and joy

    Allow me to just mention 4 other benefits

— health benefits

—success / career benefits

—personal growth benefits

—dating and finding a partner benefits

      All very important things—all can  improve by learning these 3 communication skill and some practice

      In our society—lot more we can go after.  But, life is short—life is precious.  The musician, Ry Cooper, wrote and sang,  “all the money in the world is spent on feeling good”—so feeling good appears to be very valuable to us humans.  Well, put more conversations and meaningful relations and friendships at the top of your priority list—over, more things and money.  This will save you a lot of money——And bring good feelings,  which will  last longer than buying that next thing

     Next week I will share a poem about the pleasure from being around other people.


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