The Friendship.Guy

Aug 18, 2018

Hey are you...hope all is well

Well, I am going to start developing a presence on Instagram now.  And, have chosen my name will be--of which I read is very important--the Friendhip Guy. What do you think? Yes, I know that I teach and influence people to more than friendship---face to face communication and relastionships.  Also, improved communication skills with connecting, conversation and communing. Also, my three ebooks on talking to anyone, anytime, anywhere and talking with distracted people and three things we can do that influence people to like us.

But, I had to choose one focal point for Instagram that would help me develop the audience I wanted and that would enable people to find me when doing a search. So I chose friendship. I don't plan on using that here on my website or... but I will on Instagram.

take care

BE well


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