The REASON--behind the good feelings that DO come from the holidays

Dec 18, 2016


How are you doing---hope all is well---and enjoying the season.  I was just thinking that this is one time in the year that we do tend to get together with people.  And so, it is no wonder why we enjoy this season and have good feelings associated with it.  For adults--maybe children also, it is not the gifts we get but rather being in the presense of other human beings that create the majority of these good feelings.  And of course we have the 3Cs going on during thiese get togethers---connecting--conversations--all kinds and sharing thoguths and feelings.  Wow--thtat's a great awareness for me.  Just think, we could do some of this each week!  We could have expereinces and good feelings like we do during the holidays every week.  Yes, we certainly have to little FtF (face to face) today.  I am going to do all I can to change this--it is my mission and purpose in life now.  I want to begin a revolustion of some type---actions and habits that will take us back to when we spent time face to face with people often rather than all this communication using technology and all these "freinds" whom we rarely see--maybe never.  We are missing a lot of good stuff--pleasure and beneifts from not giving some of our time and life to relationships and friendships--face to face.  Let's change that.

take care,

Darrol--would you like to get together?????

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