Why I Blog...And What About

Feb 17, 2018

Hey Hi

How are you...hope all is well

I was reading a lengthy article this morning about blogging.  I soon realized that it was for people who, their main thing was blogging.  That is not me.  I blog too

--share who I am

--share my life--I can be very open and personable--that's just me

--talk about communication and the 3 C's--the three communication skills I teach--connecting, conversation and commune

--why I'm passionate about teaching and helping people to talk more --anyone, anytime, anywhere and the 3 C's and thereby, really enjoy and experience people, friends, and family

--what's going on in the world today and how we've been influenced and being influenced to do less communicating--connecting and conversations face to face.  And less experience of-- fewer relationships and friendships in peoples presence

The above is essentially what I will do in this blog.  Oh yeah, I want to change the world--at least for the people, I reach with my stuff--blog and other.  I am--I will turn some back to enjoying and experiencing wonderful connecting and conversations and the presence of other human beings--again.

take care,

Be well


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