Yay--the holiday season is starting which means for many less isolation and loneliness

Nov 21, 2018


I hope all is well with you. Enjoy the next several weeks and all the opporutnites to really enjoy and experience people, friends, and family. And like Thanksgiving encourages, be grateful. There is so much to be grateful for, including all the people that are around us and come into our lives in various ways.

I just read a great book called, "How To Meet and Talk with Anyone Anytime Anywhere". With some of that information and other knowlege / expereince I have gathered since writing the ebook, "How To Talk with Anyone Anytime Anywhere...including stranger--I plan on rewriting that ebook. Should be finished in next few weeks and when it is I will make it available to any of you who would like to download it--free

take care,

Be well


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